Saturday 1 February 2014

Gung Hay Fat Choy!

Chinese New Year Celebrations!
During our Chinese New Year celebration on Friday the students created dragon masks to wear during our own Dragon Parade. 
We joined Miss Da Cruz, Mrs Olaybel, and Mrs Fonseca’s classes to sing and dance our way (and make lots of noise!) through the halls of CCS.

We finished off our celebrations with fortune cookies, red envelopes (Thanks Micah) and some follow the leader fun.

The Wedding of Q and U
On Monday, we will be celebrating the wedding of the letters Q and U in our classroom. This is to join the two letters together forever so that we can write and read ‘QU’ words.
Each student will represent a letter in the alphabet and join in the wedding celebration!

We will have a short ‘ceremony’ to marry Miss Q and Mr U in the afternoon, then have a celebration including dancing and snacks for our wedding reception!

Speech Arts Festival
We have begun our recitation of “My Elephant Thinks I’m Wonderful” at school. If you could please continue reading and memorizing the poem with your child it would be greatly beneficial to your child and their experience with the Speech Arts Festival.
We have practiced the first 6 lines already!

Printing Practice
I have extra printing practice take home sheets available for students if they would like to review their letters and writing. 
As they return the pages to me they will receive a sticker as an incentive to practice more. If you feel your child may benefit from extra practice please see me after school.

100 Day Posters
In preparation for our 100 days of school celebration I will be asking all students to complete a mini take home project. This project will be sent home Monday February 3rd with detailed instructions.

Class event photos
Throughout the year during a variety of classroom events we have had a parent volunteer come into take pictures. These pictures are displayed in our classroom and not available for public viewing.  If you are interested in ordering any pictures of your child or would like to view the pictures please contact me for more details. 

Valentines Day Reminder
We will be having a mini Valentines Day Party on Feb 12th. If you are interested in supplying treat for the students please send a little note in your child’s blue folder with a description of the item(s) you would like to bring.

  ** Reminder ** 
February Calendars have been sent home this week, so please ensure that you have checked your child’s Blue Folder.

The Week Ahead:

Theme: Olympics
Letter of the Week : R
Monday –Feb 3rd -  marriage of the letters Q and U
Tuesday- Feb 4th – Individual Poem Selections Due