Monday 17 February 2014

Olympics, Valentines and Book Fair Oh My!

After a very short and busy week last week, we are starting another busy week!

Last Week:
Tuesday was filled with Olympic activities in our own classroom as well as activities wihtin the whole school. We celebrated our own mini-Olympics with a torch relay, the singing of Oh Canada, and a visit from the mascots "'Snowflake' (Miss Kranabetter) and 'Ray of Light' (Mr. Klaponski). We participated in our own version of the Olympic Sports such as speed skating (on paper plates) and the luge (on rollers). Thank you to Christian's mom for our own edible gold medals!

Wednesday we also had another busy day with our Valentines Celebrations! Thank you to Gabrielle's mom for providing cupcakes! We decorated cookies made by Mrs Lemire (I do not think many of these cookies made it home !) and created a heart man craft with Mrs Olaybel's class. We also finished off the day with a popcorn sale and watching the "Madagascar 3" movie with the rest of the school in the gym! What a day!

Star of the Week:
Since we had a super short week last week we were able to finish up our Star of the Week duties with Christian! Here's what our Kindergarten class had to say about Christian:
 He is awesome!
He is super cool!
He likes to play with everyone.
He is a good friend.
He likes sharing.

Way to go Christian! This week our Star of the Week will be .... Mrs Lemire !

IMPORTANT!!! Hot Lunch last Wednesday:
Last Wednesday there was a mix up with the Hot Lunch order's as many students did not receive their lunch. Our Hot Lunch Coordinator has contacted Mavalicious Kids and will be submitting a list of all the students who did not receive their Hot Lunch. If your child did not receive their Hot Lunch please email me as soon as possible so I can send your name to our coordinator.

Here's a look at the week ahead:

Letter of the Week: S

Theme: We will be continuing our Olympic theme, so please continue bringing in articles and images for the classroom!

Reading Fair: Thursday Feb 20th and Friday Feb 21st

Student Led Conferences: Feb 20th 3-5pm  (by appointment) & 5-8pm (Open House)and Feb 21st 9-12pm (by appointment)

100 Day celebrations!!

We had a super fun day today celebrating 100 days of school!
We are all now 100 days smarter! Mrs Lemire,Mrs Lewis,  Miss Da Cruz and Mrs Olaybel all dressed up as 100 year old ladies to keep fun going.

In the afternoon we celebrated with 4 different fun games and stations including making headbands, creating fruit loop necklaces, practicing 100 day math, and finishing off with a 100 day number hunt!

We are still presenting our 100 day posters in class so if your child has not yet brought in their 100 day poster, please make sure they do so this week.

Reading Fair:
We are having the reading fair this week on Thursday and Friday. To celebrate reading Thursday students an dress as their favorite book character!

At the Book Fair you are able to purchase books for your child. We will not be attending the book fair as a class, so if you would like to bring your child to view the book fair please do so  on Wednesday or Thursday.

Germs Germs Germs...

We have had many students sick over the last few weeks at school. As much as the students are washing their hands we still seem to be spreading around our germs. If your child is sick, please keep them at home so we do not continue to spread sickness throughout our classroom. Thank You!!

Student Led Conferences:

We will be having Student Led Conferences on Thursday (20th) and Friday (21st) this week. If you have returned the form indicating your preferred time slot I will schedule you and send you home a time tomorrow. If you have not sent in a form I have scheduled you and your child for the Open house time 5-8pm on Thursday.

Please remember this is a time where your child will show you a variety of their work, favorite activities, and be able to teach you a few of the things they have been learning. There are a fe parent participation activities so bring your smile and busy hands!

A message from the PFG

The annual CCS 'Stayin' Alive' auction is coming up fast!  If you would like to get ahead on your volunteer hours, there are plenty to be had that night!  Shifts are availalable in either two or four hour slots on Saturday, March 1st, from 5 - 7pm, 7 - 9pm, 9 - 11pm, 11 - 1pm, 5 - 9pm, or 9pm - 1am.  You can sign up by either returning the form that was sent home with students yesterday, or emailing
Tickets are on sale now, available by order form (also sent home yesterday) or directly from the school office, for $30 each!  They're going fast, so pick yours up quick or risk being disappointed!
Thank you for your support!