Monday 24 February 2014

The Week ahead:

Reading Fair and Student Led Conferences:

Thank you to all parents and students for attending the Student Led Conferences on Thursday and Friday last week. Your children were very proud to show you all their hard word so far in Kindergarten.
If you have not handed in your green feedback forms for the student conferences please send them in with your child in their blue folder this week. I will be sitting down with each student to discuss the event and talk about your feedback.

A great big thank you to Mrs Fonseca for organizing the Reading Fair! It was a fun filled event with many games, activities, a storybook reading from Mr Borkowski and a beautiful display of all the CCS students' reading projects! I hope everyone enjoyed the big beautiful "Tiny Seed" and "Grouchy Ladybug" display from the Kindergarten classes!

As a reminder please send your child to school with appropriate snow gear (snow pants, boots and jacket) as we would like to play in the snow during recess and lunch time!

Poetry Reading Presentation ** Change**

There will be a change to our calendar this week. We will be postponing the In-Class Poetry presentations until March due to the limited time we have had in class to practice over the last few weeks. Although the students have learned the poem "My Elephant Thinks I'm Wonderful" I would like them to practice a few more times to gain confidence.
I will post on the March calendar the Local Festival Date (whole school attendance) and when we will have our in class reading presentation. Be sure to check the March Calendar.

Star of the Week:
Last week our star of the week was Mrs Lemire! Here are a few things that the Kindergartens had to say about Mrs Lemire:
She is a great teacher!
She is awesome!
She likes to smile!
She likes everybody!
She knows how to spell good!

Upcoming Events:
Wednesday : Anti-Bully day - non-uniform day- students may wear any color they choose.

Friday: March Calendar's will be sent home 

Food Unit: We will be looking at the theme of Healthy Bodies over the next month to tie into the upcoming Lenten season of new beginnings. I am asking for parents to please send in any food flyers that you have collected at home for upcoming projects. Thank you!

Upcoming Events for March: 
(Please refer to the calendar for dates)
K of C Pancake Breakfast
Skating !
Ash Wednesday Mass
Spring Break!
Poetry Reading Presentations