Friday 24 January 2014

Exploring and Learning

Although we had a short week this past week, we still managed to be very busy! We have been exploring Chinese New Year and the traditions that surround it, such as different types of food, decorations, Chinese dragon dances and of course learning a fun new song too!

We will finish off our Chinese New Year unit by celebrating the day on January 31st. We will march to our own dragon dance through the halls of CCS to show off our creative masks. If there are any parents interested in sharing their Chinese New Year traditions, or even to bring in any special treats, please see Mrs Lemire.
Special Presentation:
Today we had a special presentation on Hand Washing and Germs given by a parent from Mrs Olaybal's class. We learnt the importance of hand washing, where germs hide, and even how to properly wash our hands. Here is a song to help us remember: 
Twinkle twinkle little star
Look how clean my two hands are
Soap and water wash and scrub
Get those germs off rub a dub
Twinkle twinkle little star 
Look how clean my two hands are
We will be practicing this song in class too!

Goats !
We also had a special presentation this week by Faith Benko, a Grade 5 CCS student. She is planning a trip on Spring Break with her family to Kenya, where she will be participating in the Me to We initiative to bring goats to families in need of them. Faith has challenged all CCS students to take part in raising money to provide goats for communities. Each goat costs $50, so if you are able to make a donation ($1-$2) or have any spare change around the house, please send it in so our class can buy a goat!
For more information on Me to We:

Speech Arts:
On Monday there will be a notice coming home regarding the Speech Arts Festival. This is a fun event taking place within our school to motivate and encourage students in public speaking. Although there are a variety of events taking place, Kindergarten students will be participating in a Choral Recitation of a poem (included in handout) and have the option of also reciting a poem individually and reading a Bible passage. There is in depth information on the Speech Arts Festival in the notice coming home, so please be sure to read it and go over it with your child. We will begin our in class practice of our poem on Monday.

Valentines Day Celebrations
As Valentines Day is coming up in a few weeks there are a couple reminders:
  • if your child may want to bring in treats and/or cards for their classmates. If you are sending in cards and do not have a class list with all the students names, please see Mrs Lemire for one. 
  • if you would like to bring in treats for the class we will be having our party on Feb 12th in the afternoon

Student Led Conferences:
 On Feb 20th and 21st we will be having Student Led Conferences. These are conferences where your child will take you on a tour of their classroom, show you their best work and even be able to create a mini project with you. There will be a variety of times to which you can sign up for your conference during these days. A sign up sheet for this will be outside the classroom door in the next few weeks. I will also be posting further details about these two days closer to the event itself.

100 days of school project:
Yes we have almost made it 100 days!! In Kindergarten we are getting very excited about our 100 days of school celebration and we will be exploring different activities during the day all focusing on the number 100. We will also be joining Mrs Olaybal and Miss Da Cruz's classes for more 100 day fun!
On February 3rd I will be sending home a project for your child to complete. They will receive a large piece of construction paper and will have to glue on 100 items, and return it to school the following week to display and share. Some ideas for the poster are: stickers, Cheerios, beads, paperclips...etc. Anything that can stick to the paper and will not go moldy is fair game! I will be discussing this with the students, sending home the construction paper and instructions soon. 

Star of the Week: This week our shining star was Shady ! Way to go Shady ! Here are some kind words from your classmates:
He is awesome!
He is cool!
He loves all of us.
He plays with everyone.
He is good at school.

Reading:  As we are getting closer to finish our Letters of the Week, we have now begun to introduce sight words in class. Students are beginning to bring back their practiced sight words challenging themselves to work on more and more words. We are tracking their wonderful progress and are thrilled they are as excited about learning to read as we are!
This week we have begun a class begin reading !The class challenge is to read a story to me (Mrs. Lemire) chosen from our class Library that they have practiced on their own. They goal is to get the students excited about reading and motivated to read. The focus is for them to take initiative to find a book, look through it, and either read the book to me or pick out words they do recognize. If there is a book that your child really enjoys at home and would like to bring in to me to read, they are more than welcome to do so. We are charting their progress and they are very excited to see the stickers growing beside their names!
Keep up the great work Kindergartens!

Next week Events:
Theme: Groundhog Day
Letter of the Week:  "Q"