Sunday 1 December 2013


As we begin our first week of Advent, I would like to wish you all a joyful season of preparing.  It is so easy to become busy with decorating, shopping and trying to find that perfect gift but we hope to focus and make time for the true reason for the season-Jesus.  I pray we all continue to grow in His love and that this Advent season, we remember what is really important and that we pass on this message to the children.  HAPPY ADVENT, EVERYONE!

ADVENT: We will spend a great deal of time talking about Christmas and the purpose of Advent over the next few weeks.  During our morning prayer routine, we are introducing 'Secret Santa's' to the students and I thought I would explain it so you know what we do in the classroom.  Each day, a child will pick a random name of a classmate and they are their "Secret Santa" for the day.  They can pray for them, send them little messages, do good deeds for them ,etc with the goal being to find little things each day to do something nice for someone else. Each day, they choose a different name and again, try to do good deeds.  During Advent, we really try to encourage the students to give rather than focus on the things they are hoping to receive at Christmas and they students usually are excited to be able to do this for their classmates.

SAINT NICHOLAS: On Friday, we will be celebrating the Feast of St. Nicholas and we will be talking about the connection between Santa Claus and St. Nicholas.  We also will be putting one shoe in our hallway after recess-an annual CCS tradition-to see if St. Nicholas will come for a visit and put a treat in our shoe but we will make sure to hid in our classroom as we ALL know, St. Nicholas never likes to be seen.  Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of children so it is a wonderful day to celebrate him and the joy of children.

FOOD BANK MASS:  This Friday is a Food Bank Mass and we really encourage the spirit of giving so thank you in advance for any items you are able to donate as the Food Bank is always in need, especially over the holidays.  THANK YOU!

CANDYGRAMS:  Each year, our Christian Servers sell candycanes for 50 cents and then the students can send them to anyone they want in the school.  Students often buy candygrams for classmates, buddies or even siblings and they are sold every day at lunch from December 4th until December 18th.  Candygrams themselves are delivered to students on the last day of school, December 20th.  If you would like your child to buy candygrams, it is much easier if you write the names of who they would like to send a candygram to on a piece of paper and attach it with their money so I am able to help them fill out their candygram notes.  All money raised helps to go support our school's sponsor child in South America.  Thank you!

CHRISTMAS CONCERT:  Just a reminder that our Christmas Concert is on Tuesday, December 17th.  It seems our students will be on the risers on the RIGHT side of the stage (not on the main stage or apron) so if you are hoping to have a better view of your child, I would strongly encourage you to find seating on the far right side when you walk into the gym so that you will be able to see them better.  Our class will be angels so we ask students to wear white clothing (or as close to white as you can get). THANK YOU AGAIN!

VISION/HEARING CHECK: Fraser Health will be coming in on Thursday to do their annual vision and hearing check of our Kindergarten students.  You should have received a note about this last week and if there are any concerns, they will also mail you information directly.

STAR OF THE WEEK:  Congratulations to Tyson for being a wonderful Star of the Week.  Here are a few things his classmates had to say about him...

He is nice to everyone in our class.
He is awesome! 
("Awesome" is our first 'juicy' word to be used this year...juicy words are a little more interesting that words such as 'good' or 'nice.')
He plays nicely.
He is a great friend.
He never punches.

Our new Star of the Week will be Gabrielle so we look forward to celebrating her but we congratulate all of our class for continuing to shine.

Have a great week and may you continue to feel God's love throughout this Advent season!