Sunday 24 November 2013


On Sunday, we celebrated the Feast of Christ the King, which marks the end of the liturgical church year for us.  This upcoming Sunday, we begin Advent!!!  We will spend a great deal of time talking about how we can prepare for this special season and how Christmas is MUCH MUCH more than Santa and presents.  Your child will also be bringing home an Advent Chain this week.  This is to help them keep track of the days during Advent and inside each link is a message that should help them prepare for the coming of Christmas.  Please put it in a special place and help your child take a link off each day, starting this Sunday, December 1st.  I would also encourage all families to create an Advent wreath in your home as this also really helps the children to focus more on prayer and the true meaning of this season.  I will be sending home information about Advent later this week but thank you in advance in helping your child prepare for the coming of our Saviour and to know that Christmas really is about Jesus.  Happy Advent everyone!

Your child also brought home their Report Card on Friday and we hope you were able to take some time to read it with you child to celebrate their successes as well as to talk about things we can continue to work on in our next few months in Kindergarten.  All of our students continue to make wonderful progress and report cards are meant to help each child grow in different ways as individuals.  We will be having our conferences this Thursday and Friday and you should have already received a note indicating what times you are asked to attend with your child.  (Your child will also bring home a reminder of their time this week, just in case :o)  Students are asked to wear their uniforms and our conferences will take 10 minutes. Unfortunately, we are unable to go over that time but if you would like to meet for longer or if you have other questions or concerns you wish to talk about further with me, please let me know and we can set up another meeting time.  These conferences are really to celebrate the good work your child has done so far and to discuss their progress.  We hope this is a very positive experience for your child and it is helpful to meet all together to talk about successes and goals.  Please note that there is NO SCHOOL on Friday:o)

This Saturday is our Parish Bazaar and we hope everyone will be able to attend.  Each student made a craft that can be purchased at the Bazaar (although you could have also pre-purchased them as well) and there will be lots of fun and games so we hope you all will be there (and maybe some of your friends and family too...all are welcome!!!).  We are also asking families if they can donate a jar filled with fun items for the Jar Game at the Bazaar.  In the past, we have had jars filled with candy, small toys, a stuffie, a puzzle, socks or mittens, just to name a few.  Families often decorate the jars as well to make them extra exciting and then children try to win them at the Bazaar.  It is a great thing to do with your child as they often have great ideas for the jars and we ask that all jars are brought to the classroom by Thursday at 3:00pm.  Thank you in advance for your help and for supporting our parish. See you at the Bazaar!!!

And just a reminder that our Christmas Concert is on Tuesday, December 17th.  I think I said the 27th in my last blog...I'm just getting ahead of myself :o)  Please save the date and keep in mind our students will be dressing as angels so white clothes are needed.  Thank you!!!

Congratulations to Adie for being our wonderful Star of the Week.  Here are a few things her classmates had to say about her...

Adie plays nicely with everyone.
She does not say bad words.
She is a good friend.
She is nice to everyone.
She draws nice pictures.

Keep shining, Adie!  This week, we celebrate Tyson and look forward to learning more about him.  What a class of stars!!!
Have a great week everyone and I pray that this Advent is a special one for you and your family, one filled with faith and love.  God bless!