Sunday 15 December 2013


Happy 3rd Week of Advent!  As we light our third candle, may we feel the joy of the season but also remember the reason for this special time.  It is so easy to get caught up in the 'busy-ness' of this time of year but I hope we are all able to focus on what is really important and that we continue to grow closer to God.  I have to admit that I started to cry in Mass on Friday morning, looking at all the students, both in our class and in the other grades, as they are such blessings and gifts from God.  As I anticipate having our own child, I can't help but be in awe what God is able to do.  We have so much but we sometimes forget to thank God for it so I hope that as we approach Christmas, we can all find ways to count our blessings as well as find ways to be blessings to others. 

NEW TEACHER: You should have all received a note announcing our new teacher-Melissa Lemire-who will be officially starting on January 6th.  She is planning on coming Tuesday morning and possibly Thursday morning but due to the disruptions to our normal routines with the "fun-nes" of this week, it makes most sense for me to teach the first week of January back so she can see our routines and really get to know the students.  After that, I will come in as needed and if the students need me there for this transition but I am quite sure the students will have an easy time as most of our routines will all remain the same and, of course, we still have Mrs. Lewis.  Mrs. Lemire has been teaching a Grade One class at another Catholic School up until now so it is important for her to spend those last few days with her current students as they will greatly miss her.  But Mrs. Lemire is so excited to come to CCS and get to know all of you and we look forward to getting to know her too!  She will be sending a personal note to you as well to introduce herself but I have already told her how welcoming our families are so thank you in advance for helping her feel at home.  Please feel free to email me if you have any other questions or concerns and I will also let you know when we have Mrs' Lemire's school email address working, which will be  THANK YOU!

MONDAY:  On Monday, we are having a dress rehearsal.  PLEASE SEND YOUR CHILD IN THEIR REGULAR UNIFORM!  While most of the school will be putting on their costumes, it is much easier for our Kindergarten students to just wear their outfit on Tuesday as something ALWAYS happens and I don't want everyone washing their outfits the night before the concert:o)  We will do our practice in our uniform and just wear our halos.

TUESDAY:  It's our BIG CONCERT!  Please send your child to school in their angel costume.  They will wear it all day so that they are ready for our 1:00pm performance.  (Please note that we do indoor recess on this day as white clothes and our grassy field do not mix).  You can pick up your child after the show or at our regular dismissal time of 3:00pm from our classroom.  We do need the students back between 6:30 to 6:45pm in the Parish Center.  The rest of the school will meet in their classrooms but it is very challenging to have our young students going back and forth in the dark so it is best that we meet in the Parish Center (probably the Cenacle Room).  Students will meet and dismiss from this location.  It tends to be crowded and busy so we ask for your patience as safety is our main concern.  Please come to the door so we can dismiss your child to you but please do not come in as too many people make it hard to keep track of who has left and who is still there.  Again, thank you for your understanding.  And just a reminder that admission is by donation to the Food Bank...thank you in advance for your generousity!!!

WEDNESDAY:  It's PAJAMA DAY and MOVIE DAY!  We will be getting together with the other primary classes (and probably watching the Polar Express) so leave the uniform at home as we often ALL need a relaxing day after our late night at the Christmas Concert.  The students will have a popcorn and candy cane treat during the movie but they are also selling Hot Chocolate for 50 cents at the first recess.  If your child would like to buy Hot Chocolate, please send 50 cents to school on this day.  Please note that there is no Hot Lunch on this day so please send your child with their own lunch.

THURSDAY: We are also having an Advent Retreat on Thursday afternoon.  Primary students and Intermediate students will visit different stations in order to help them focus on the true meaning of this season.  We are hoping to help students prepare for the coming of Jesus at Christmas with this activity and it should be fun for them to visit the different classrooms. 

FRIDAY: We will have a School Mass as well as a Buddy Visit on this day but please note that WE DISMISS AT NOON ON THIS DAY!  (And just a reminder that we come back on Monday, January 6th).  Students will need a snack on this day but do not need a lunch.  Thank you!

HOLY CHILDHOOD ASSOCIATION BOXES (HCA): Your child brought home a box as well as some information about HCA.  We are encouraging all students to try to fill their box over the holidays and return it in January when they come back to school.  HCA is a special organization where it is KIDS HELPING KIDS...all money donated goes directly to kids in other countries and we try to support them as much as we can throughout the year.  Thank you in advance as these boxes are often their biggest fundraiser.  And what a wonderful lesson for students to find ways to give when we receive so much during this time of year.  Thank you for helping your child with finding ways to fill their boxes.

GIFT CARDS:  Just a reminder that this is a GREAT time of year to purchase Gift Cards from the parish as this is an excellent fundraiser for our community and in such a simple act, you can help a great deal.  The Knights of Columbus has offered to buy lunch for the class with the most gift card purchases and right now, our class is in the top three, so please keep buying those gift cards and thank you for helping Precious Blood Parish!!!

NEW HOT LUNCH PROGRAM:  If you have not done so, please visit to place your January Hot Lunch order.  Please note that Hot Lunch will just be every two weeks from now on and that all ordering and payment is done online.  Thank you.

STAR OF THE WEEK:  Congratulations to Gabrielle for being our most recent star of the are a few things her friends had to say about her...

She plays nicely with everyone.
She is awesome!
She is a nice friend.
She loves everyone.
She sings 'O Canada' nicely. 
Way to shine, Gabrielle!  In January, we will celebrate our first star of the new year...Kai!  But congratulations to all our bright lights who continue to shine everyone day in our classroom! 
Have a wonderful last week before holidays and God bless you all!!!