Thursday 3 April 2014


A reminder there is Mass tomorrow morning and it is a Food Bank Mass. Please remember to have your child dressed in full uniform, including sweaters, when they arrive at school.

Star of the Week
Our Star of the Week last was Ethan!! Here are some kind words his classmates had to say about him:
He is fantastic!
He is awesome!
He is gorgeous!
He is super at playing nice.
He is good at coloring.

This week our Star of the Week is Keith!

Healthy Foods
We have finished our unit on Healthy Foods and have made place mats for our lunch and snack times. I will be sending these fantastic place mats home soon, but we are enjoying using them everyday right now!

Recycled Items
Please continue to send in any recycling you may have (cereal boxes, egg cartons...etc) as we will be using them in the next few weeks.

Alphabet Party
We have almost completed the alphabet so we will be having an Alphabet Party in the afternoon on April  25th! Please check the blog for more details.

Next week :
Letter of the Week: Y