Saturday 19 October 2013


I hope you all have enjoyed the weekend (and the fog).  Here are a few reminders for this week...
  • INTERIMS: Your child brought home their Interim Report on Thursday...we ask that you sign it and return it to school as soon as you can so we know you have seen it.  If you would like to keep the report, please let me know and I will then return it back to you but it would be great if we could have all the signed reports in on Monday.  If you have any questions about the interim or would like to talk in more detail about your child's progress so far, please come and see me at your convenience.  So much changes in just a few weeks and I am amazed at how well our students have transitioned since the first few days of school.  We are now following our regular school routines, including having recess with the rest of the school.  Mrs. Lewis always is outside with the children so they have a familiar face and we always tell the students to find her first if they need anything but so far, everyone has done very well.  Keep up the fantastic work, Kindergarten!!!  And thank you to all our families for all the hard work you do at home with your child!  I appreciate all of your efforts!
  • SCHOOL PHOTOS: Order forms for individual photos were due last week and re-takes are on Thursday, October 24th.  I only know of two students who need re-takes...if you would like your child to have another photo taken, please let me know so I know who to send on Thursday.  Thank you!  Our class photos will come home on Monday.
  • SAINT PROJECT: As we approach All Saints Day on Friday, November 1st, we have been talking more about the saints and focusing on the Holy Heroes, rather than Halloween.  I sent home a worksheet, asking you and your family to choose a particular saint for your child and fill out the worksheet so that they can share some information about their special saint.  We also encourage the students to dress as a saint on All Saints Day.  So much of the focus at this time of year is on candy and spooky things but we are trying to talk about how one day of candy compares to an eternity with God in Heaven.  I hope to excite the students about All Saints Day and I'm hoping that by learning more about the saints, we can see what really is important.  The Saint Project is due back on Monday, October 28th but thank you to those of you who have already returned their worksheet.  Also, I will be sending home a little note on Monday about who your child might be dressing up as on All Saints Day so I can talk about these saints prior to the day so we become more familiar with them.  This little note will be due on Thursday, October 24th.  Thank you for your help in teaching your child more about our saints!
  • PARENT JOB PROJECT: Not to overwhelm you with more homework (aka homeFUN) but I am also sending home a paper that asks your child to identify their parent's jobs.  We are beginning to talk about Communities and different places and jobs and while we all know what we do at school all day, children often can be unsure what their parents are doing at their jobs all day.  So this quick little activity lets us learn about what different parents do and then we discuss what these jobs entail.  Your child will have a chance to talk about what their parents do in the class and if you have objects from your job that you want to send with your child for that day, please do and we will take a closer look.  For example, we have had an accountant send in a calculator for all the math work they do, a homemaker send in measuring cups for all the meals she prepares and a nurse send in gloves to remind us about germs.  This project is also due on Monday, October 28th.  Students are encouraged to draw pictures of their parents at their different jobs or you can also attach photos if you would like.  If you have any questions or you are finding it difficult to get this done at home, please let me know.  Thank you for your help and support and thank you for letting us know what you do all day.
  • BULBS: I sent a little note asking for any spare bulbs you might have as we have a small garden in our front year where we like to plant things.  PLEASE do not feel like you need to go out and purchase any bulbs for us...this is just in case you have any that we can add to our garden but we are fine if you do not have any to send.  Thanks!
  • PUMPKIN PATCH: This Thursday, we will be going to the Pumpkin Patch.  If you are driving, please come to our classroom at noon and we will organize ourselves there.  I sent a note home saying who is going with who so please ensure arrangements have been made in regards to safety seats so we all are able to go as planned.  I did send extra copies of the Drivers Form to families, in case you wanted to fill one out so it is one record with our school for the year but again, thank you to everyone who is able to come, drive and supervise for the afternoon.  We could not go without you!  Please also note, as a thank you, we are collecting non-perishable food items to donate to the Surrey Food Bank in the Tamis' name since they are letting us come to their farm free of charge.  PLEASE SEND ALL FOOD ITEMS IN ON THURSDAY MORNING.  Thank you for your is nice for the students to see that one good deed deserves another and that they are able to do this.  Please pray for sun on Thursday too :o)
  • SWEATERS: We have a missing sweater.  Please check all labels as this sweater is marked and probably just ended up in the wrong backpack after gym a few days ago.  Some labels have also began to fade so please make sure all sweaters (and belongs) still have your child's name in it so we can identify who belongs to who and thank you for checking sweaters.  If you find the missing sweater, please return it on Monday.
  • NO SCHOOL ON FRIDAY: Just a reminder that we have no school on Friday as it is a Professional Development Day for the staff.  We hope you enjoy the short week and the longer weekend.  Mrs. Lewis and I are off to the Kindergarten Conference in Langley so we are hoping to learn about new things that we can bring to the students.  It should be fun (afterall, it's an entire building full of Kindergarten Teachers!  HAHA!)!
  • STAR OF THE WEEK:  Congratulations to Rosa for being a wonderful star of the week.  We enjoyed learning more about her and here are a few things her classmates had to say about her...
Rosa likes us.
She loves us.
She is a good friend.
She plays nicely.
She has good manners.
What a star, Rosa!  We now look forward to celebrating James next week and finding out more about him.  Keep shining all our stars!!!
Have a great week, everyone!  God bless you and your family!